This was a run and gun affair to say the least… The key was having a tiny footprint so we could respond to the moment. We had to be part of the adventure so we could capture improvised moments as they happen.
We played with various formats, including the Sony FX6, Sony A7s, iPhone 14 Pro, DJI Mavic, Canon 5D, Super 8, and even some 3D stills from my old 35mm Nishika N8000, capturing the fun and excitement of travel.
What made this project special was the incredible cast and crew. They embraced the spontaneity, working unscripted, and brought their own personalities to each scene. Their energy and enthusiasm made it. Thank you.

Client: American Tourister
Agency: Grey Hong Kong
Production Company: Gang FIlms
Executive producer: Jean Villiers
Producer: Christophe Ancelet / Andrés Gozálvez
Production Coordinator: Lara Torloting
LA Shoot: JOJX
DP: Pablo Clemente
Photographer: Carina Wachsmann
AD: Marcos Galofré
Stylist : Ana Morera
Casting : Belen Calafell / Gabrielle Schary Casting
Post: Therapy Studios
Editor: Doobie White
Assist Editor: Hope Abrom
Sound Design & Mix: Dillon Cahill
Assistant Mixer: Dori Holly
Flame Artist: Faby Zumaran
Color House: Ethos Studios
Colorist: Kaitlyn Battistelli
Kourtney George @creolekourt
Intissar El Meskine
Volodymyr Volynets
Jose Arbey Shaek
Louison Mondhar